воскресенье, 7 февраля 2016 г.

Паперовий слід Лондона :)

Виконавець реконструює найбільш визначні пам'ятки, використовуючи розумні вирізи.
 Rich McCor, 28 років, вдалося перетворити 
деякі з найбільш впізнаваних пам'яток Лондона 
в химерні ілюзії.

McCor's first attempt at transforming a traditionally well-recognised London landmark - Big Ben - happened earlier this year, using a paper watch strap to obscure the clock face

The 28-year-old creative turned St Paul's Cathedral into an ice cream cone using two cut outs - and called the photo 'Sundae Service'

Thanks to a ball of wool cut out, the lion in the middle of Trafalgar Square appears to be being teased by the popular cat toy

Taking inspiration from The Lord of the Rings, the quirky artist transformed St George's Wharf into the 'Eye of Sauron'

Thanks to an intricately crafted bicycle cut out, the London Eye has been transformed into a wheel to complete the illusion

A paper cut out of an apple speared by an arrow is held next to the statue in the middle of Piccadilly Circus

Inspired by the film, Up, this particular cut out of a house looks as though its being transported by balloons in Covent Garden

During sunset, what appears to be a silhouette of a couple kissing in the rain is really just a well-designed cut out at the Southbank fountains

While in Sweden, he also couldn't help but create a silly happy face at the national indoor arena, Ericsson Globe 

From a different angle, the same Ericsson Globe looks remarkably like a golf ball, which this paper golfer is attempting to tee off with

The criss-crossed ceiling at the Maritime Museum in London provided the perfect 'web' for a cut out spider to crawl across

A Stockholm metro station, which looks remarkably like the Gates of Hell, was the perfect location to feature a cut out of a devil

Rich, who hopes to shoot in New York and Rio next, explains that his favourite moments occur when people approach him as he's taking the photos and comment on his project's uniqueness

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